

Resources, news, blogs, podcasts and events... national and local.  Cleta Mitchell

Latest Resources from EIN: 


If you are a legal Florida voter and curious if someone is secretly voting from your home, we created this online system for you to check.

Our canvassing efforts have uncovered multiple locations that still have past residents still registered to vote at home all across Florida. Worse yet, those voters are still voting even when we tracked them down at their new residences OUT OF STATE!

Voter Rolls is dedicated to ensuring transparent, accurate and fair elections in the United States of America. The purpose of this website is to provide public access to official government data pertaining to elections, including voter registration rolls, with a goal of encouraging greater voter participation in all fifty states.

Our system of government is based upon citizen participation. We believe the people, in effect, own this data and have a legal right to see it in an understandable and transparent form. Let freedom ring.

Voters, Search, Voter Rolls

Check here for your voter registration status. To find your polling place, sample ballot, and vote-by-mail ballot status, check your Supervisor of Elections' website.

Please allow 1-2 business days for newly entered voter registration information to appear on this website.

Voters, Search, Florida

Who is registered at your house?  Does your neighborhood have clean rolls? Verify if incorrect send an affida/resources-3vit to your Supervisor of Elections. is a free political research tool allowing the study of raw voter data. Here are a few of the things you are able to research:

  • How to register to vote or update an existing voter record.
  • General demographic and statistical data for people and locations.
  • Demographic and statistical information for streets and neighborhoods.
  • Political party affiliation trends based on location.
  • Where people are registered to vote.
  • The detection of possible errors in a person's voter record as well as instructions on how to update it.
  • Voting precincts and districts.
  • A voter's representatives in government.
  • Reverse Phone Search Tool
  • And much more all for free!

Research, Voters, Search, Voter Rolls

American Majority focuses on winning on the issues, and on giving candidates, campaigns, and activists the tools and technology to see the best policies adopted in the modern climate. Best-in-business speakers present cutting-edge topics to empower men and women to 1) run for office and 2) promote liberty through political activism. We bring you the top conservative political training in the nation. Thousands are trained each year in communities across the country to be catalysts for authentic change in government.

The Capital Research Center was established in 1984 to examine how foundations, charities, and other nonprofits spend money and get involved in politics and advocacy, often in ways that donors never intended and would find abhorrent.

From the start, CRC has exposed how those organizations are “captured” by interest groups and used to undermine Americans’ freedoms.


The CD Media Georgia Record Big Data Poll for Fall 2021 was conducted by Big Data Poll and interviewed 1,000 registered voters in Georgia via online survey panel from September 18 to September 22, 2021. The sampling error is ± 3.1% at a 95% confidence interval. Results were weighted to represent statewide voter demographics to include age, gender, race and region. Party identification or affiliation—separate from the more static party registration—is impacted by weighting aforementioned variables, but results are NOT weighted for party identification. The partisan breakdown of the survey was 38% Republican, 34% Democratic, and 28% Independent/Other.

Georgia, Todd Wood, CD Media

The Conservative Partnership Institute is quickly becoming the most essential conservative organization in Washington.

While today’s Washington is designed to defeat conservatives, CPI is designed to build them up. CPI trains, equips, and brings together the movement’s best leaders—and we do it right here, where and when conservative heroes need us.

Integrity, Jim DeMint, Mark Meadows, Networking

Candidates & Committees, Data & Statistics, For Voters, Forms & Publications, Laws & Rules, Voting Systems.
Candidate Listings for Florida

What is ESG?

Environmental, social, and governance policies are the Left’s latest political tool to use businesses and financial institutions to advance progressive ideology in American society.

Who does ESG hurt?

Everyone...  Customers, employees, employers, and investors.

Under ESG, traditional American energy like oil and gas is punished and the Left’s “woke” cultural agenda is implemented from the boardroom down to the factory floor.

This agenda is being pushed by green activists, woke culture warriors, global elites, and the big businesses they control.

Research, Zucker

Foundation Maps is powered by Candid's world-class philanthropy data. Advance your work with funding insights, trends and opportunities to maximize your impact.

Donors Search

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and its partners from all levels of government recognize the need for a National Address Database (NAD).  Accurate and up-to-date addresses are critical to transportation safety and are a vital part of Next Generation 9-1-1.


Our organization does not run elections and cannot provide legal advice. If you are a voter looking for assistance, please contact your local election official. You can find your local election official's website and contact information by using this database from the US Vote Foundation.

This table is part of NCSL’s Voting Outside the Polling Place report.


Created by a citizen who believes each conservative American’s top priority should be active engagement as a precinct committeeman in the political Party our Founders and Framers would be members of if they were alive now: The Republican Party. I am an American first, a conservative second and a Republican precinct committeeman by necessity to secure the Blessings of Liberty to myself and my posterity.


As they protect our freedom at home, we at home must protect their freedom to vote.

The mission of Protect Military Votes, a project of American Constitutional Rights Union, is to protect the votes of those protecting us.


The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections.  INTERACTIVE MAP

Voter Rolls

Redo Voting is a hybrid of existing secure document technology used by state lotteries, combined with government-level encryption.

SEIRS equips We the People with the tools to ensure Free and Fair Elections.

election integrity

Before processing your NCOA update, TrueNCOA must first perform postal address validation, verification and hygiene on your input records with USPS address standardization. The USPS Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) corrects and standardizes addresses, adds missing address information such as ZIP codes, cities, and states to ensure the address is complete, performs delivery point validation to verify whether or not an address is a deliverable address, and checks against the USPS Locatable Address Conversion System, updating addresses that have been renamed or renumbered. Because this process saves the post office time and money due to reduced sorting and undeliverable mail, mailers who use it can qualify for bulk mailing discounts. Please see the "About NCOA" section of our FAQ for additional information regarding the NCOA process.

The U.S. Integrity Plan, USEIP was established with a dozen members from varying political backgrounds. We came together to get a better understanding of what happened in the 2020 elections, to find the truth, expose the truth, and share the truth. It’s that plain and simple. If there was fraud in 2020 let’s find it, fix it, and hold those responsible accountable. If it’s discovered there was no fraud, we’ll be the first to promote that true message.


Best Practice for Voter List Maintenance- March 2023

Voter Rolls

Purpose of this User Guide The purpose of this User Guide is to aid customers in signing up for and using the USPS Package Intercept Commercial Service application. This service can be accessed through the Business Customer Gateway (BCG).



USPS, VBM, Address

vbm what could go wrong