Vote by mail is rife with fraud
Vote-By-Mail fails most of the safeguards against election fraud: (1) There should be a valid reason for not being able to vote in person at the polling station. (2) Photo ID verification is not possible (despite the requirement to show photo ID for almost everything else). (3) Secrecy and confidentiality are compromised, allowing undue influence and coercion to be applied to voters, and facilitating vote buying. (4) Signature verification is made more complicated. (5) Chain-of-custody is difficult to maintain with Vote-By-Mail. (6) Vote-By-Mail facilitates ballot harvesting
Democracy Live- Omniballot
OmniBallot Portal is an electronic, fully accessible vote-by-mail, absentee, UOCAVA and sample ballot solution.
OmniBallot Portal has been deployed in thousands of U.S. elections and used by U.S. military, overseas citizens, and voters with disabilities in 96 countries and on every continent.
OmniBallot Portal is a single platform where administrators can choose a single module or bundle one or more together for even greater savings and efficiency.
Our organization does not run elections and cannot provide legal advice. If you are a voter looking for assistance, please contact your local election official. You can find your local election official's website and contact information by using this database from the US Vote Foundation.
This table is part of NCSL’s Voting Outside the Polling Place report.
FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY – National Group Uncovers Real-Time Democrat Election Fraud – HERE’S HOW THEY DID IT
In a real-life example, this month, we found a county that changed 31,500 zip codes, yet the voter remained at the same address. Curious?
That means the voter did not change their address, continued to receive all their mail, except one item – a ballot sent from a voter commission.
When it comes to ballot harvesting, Pennsylvania’s Delaware County is not only the undisputed leader in Pennsylvania but possibly the nation. Let me explain.
Nearly 2/3’s of all Democratic Mail-In Ballot Applications happen in the Spring. That’s because counties are statutorily required to mail the prior year’s Mail-In Ballot Applicants if they wish to re-enroll for the current year. (4/32)
Essentially, Democratic campaigns “chase” those county mailers with digital ads, texts, robocalls or even their own mailer to get Democratic voters to re-enroll for a Mail-In Ballot. (5/32)
Wisconsin judge refuses to allow mail-in ballots with partial addresses to be counted in win for GOP
Overseas Voting Vulnerabilities
The result is that 63% of the voters claiming UOCAVA privileges were allegedly non-military overseas citizens
This Summary is a preview of our full UOCAVA report.