political signsHillsborough Political Sign Policy- Supervisor of Elections

Please use the specific department code number provided below to report any signs that are illegally posted within the city or county.  This may mean some departments are inundated with phone calls!


Hillsborough County Code Enforcement Department
Joe Gross (813) 274-6604 GrossJ@HillsboroughCounty.org
Sam Ball (813) 307-1876 BallF@hillsboroughcounty.org
Sign Pick Up Location: Roger P Stewart Center - 3629 Queen Palm Drive, Tampa, FL 33619

City of Tampa Department of Code Enforcement
Eric Cotton (813) 274-7510
Susan Wenrick (813) 274-5564 Susan.Wenrick@tampagov.net

City of Temple Terrace Code Compliance Department
Tom Borroni (813) 506-6688 TBorroni@templeterrace.com
Tina Heacock (813) 506-6688
Sign Pick Up Location: City Hall - 11250 North 56th Street, Temple Terrace, FL 33617

City of Plant City Planning & Zoning Department
Marlene Haney, Julie Ham, Robyn Baker
(813) 659-4200 ext. 4159 planning@plantcitygov.com
To retrieve signs, contact Tina Barber, City Code Enforcement Manager, within 24 hours of removal 

Hillsborough County and each City have slightly different regulations but basically no temporary (i.e. politic) signs are allowed in public right of way which includes most of the linear grassy area adjacent to the roadway and which also includes being attached to utility poles, trees, fence posts or any other similar object on public or private property. 

Banners and some signs especially large signs may need a permit…see link at top of page for specific location details.