
Monthly FFE (Florida Fair Elections)- Zoom calls will be the 2nd Thursday at 10am.  Contact protectyourvoteflorida@gmail.com if you don't have the link or want to join the team.

We will meet monthly to network and discuss county efforts, progress, and brainstorming, and updates from people attending the national meetings. We need to keep building our network across the state to ensure continuous improvements in Florida's election process.

FFE Accomplishments

In just a few years, Florida Fair Elections (FFE) has achieved numerous goals that have significantly enhanced election integrity in Florida, often serving as a model for other states. Members learned about and participated in election activities throughout the state through our extensive county-wide networking to include but not limited to:  


Created multiple one-pagers- List Maintenance, Vulnerable Voters, Grassroots Legislation Influencers, Rules Procedures….

Legislation/Rules- Successfully advocated modifying and updating Florida Statutes:

  1. ERIC- Removed Florida from ERIC via statewide campaign.
  2. Vote-by-Mail (VBM)
    • Over-the-Counter Ballots   Limited the ability to request VBM ballots after the mailing deadline, by expanded the timeframe requirements for  mandatory emergency affidavits. A significant number of vote-by-mail (VBM) ballots were excessively distributed on the day before and on Election Day across several counties in Florida. Notably, only ballots issued on Election Day required an emergency affidavit, many of which were not based on valid emergencies. To address this issue, it is recommended to expand the requirement for emergency affidavits and improve oversight to better define what constitutes an emergency.  Statutes now require affidavits for all of Early Vote through election day.  
    • Rules - VBM Over-the-Counter Ballots- New Procedure
    • Prevented election vulnerabilities by discontinuing the use of VBM ballots as voter guides at polling sites. (101.69 Canceling a VBM Ballot) 
  3. Harassment Bills - Blocked the “Harassment Bill” two years in a row (which threatened poll watchers’ ability to observe election process) utilizing data from records requests to verify harassment and violence is not an issue in Florida. Statewide team members collect incident reports via records request from SOE throughout the state.  Results - No significant issues of harassment nor threats of violence.   Left-wing propaganda to persuade people not to vote in person and to be hypervigilant and anxious if choosing to vote in-person.  This was a national push by the Left and most states passed a form of this type of Harassment Bill limiting public access and poll watching abilities to observe the election process. 
  4. Signature Match- Team members reported inconsistencies in Signature Match training and verification process.  ISB 7050 updated the signature match policy and procedures to reflect a uniform process throughout the state. 
  5. Voter Roll Clean-up – Removed ineligible registrations from voter rolls: deceased, invalid addresses, inactive voters…
  6. County Voter Registration Report – (Sample Report) – Created a monthly report that highlighted voter roll updates in each county to include Voter Registration Anomalies.
  7. Voter Intent- Team members reported irregularities in the methodologies SOEs use statewide to determine voter intent. The Rules Committee discussed the issues and generated an updated manual. 
  8. Candidate Nicknames on Ballots 99.0215 Name of candidate.— Referencing Florida Statutes successfully removed fictitious 'nickname' on ballot without the aid of a lawyer.
  9. Rules- Signature Match- 2024  After observing discrepancies in signature matching procedures between counties across Florida, our team engaged in the rule-making process through actions such as sending emails, participating in rules meetings, and reviewing current policies of Supervisor of Elections offices. Our concerted efforts to standardize signature matching training, policies, and procedures across all Supervisor of Elections offices were successful.
  10. Voter Cancellation Forms - After highlighting to several Supervisor of Elections offices that the voter cancellation form was hard to locate, which is crucial for updating voter rolls when people move out of state, many offices responded by making the form more accessible on their websites. This adjustment helps ensure that voter rolls remain accurate and up-to-date. 
  11. 2024 Rules - Felons Voting Rights- To ensure that only eligible citizens vote, our team contributed to the rulemaking process for reinstating voter rights for felons. We argued that felons should prove their eligibility, not the Secretary of State, to prevent ineligible felons from inflating and complicating voter rolls, and to avoid using taxpayer money for verification costs. Consequently, the rules now require felons convicted of murder or sexual offenses to provide an Executive Order or a Certificate from the Office of Executive Clemency, with documentation dated for each conviction.
  12. Blank Ballots- Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner defined the term blank ballots.  

Additional Accomplishments

  1. Poll Watcher- Training and Resources - Networked across the state to increase the number of poll watchers and workers.  Created statewide Poll Watcher training and observation checklists based on Florida Statutes, previous observations and poll worker trainings. 