Vote Reference is dedicated to ensuring transparent, accurate and fair elections in the United States of America. The purpose of this website is to provide public access to official government data pertaining to elections, including voter registration rolls, with a goal of encouraging greater voter participation in all fifty states.

Our system of government is based upon citizen participation. We believe the people, in effect, own this data and have a legal right to see it in an understandable and transparent form. Let freedom ring.

Voter Records

Who is registered at your house?  Does your neighborhood have clean rolls? Verify if incorrect send an affida/resources-3vit to your Supervisor of Elections. is a free political research tool allowing the study of raw voter data.

Democrats Reveal BIG CLUE in the BIG STEAL: Operatives Manufactured Votes from Low Income Voters to Steal the Battleground States — Start the Canvassing!

Where the margin of Biden’s victory was a squeaker-thin 3% or less, low-income Americans accounted for 34% to 45% of the voting population (Arizona 39.96%), Georgia (37.84%), Michigan (37.81%), Nevada (35.78%), North Carolina (43.67%), Pennsylvania (34.12%) and Wisconsin (39.80%), according to the study.

The low-income voters included large numbers of white Americans as well as people of color.