Legiscan-2025 Bills
Excellent website to track status of bills in Florida Legislation.
2024 12 20 Sec of State Interim report- Amendment 4 Signature Petition Fraud
The Office of Election Crimes & Security (OECS) provides this Supplemental Interim Report1 to update the Governor and the Florida Legislature on investigations concerning initiative petition fraud. This occurs when committees, companies, or individuals commit fraud while gathering signatures from Florida electors in an effort to propose amendments to the Florida Constitution. Link to document if above link doesn't work.
2024 Rules - Felons Voting Rights
To ensure that only eligible citizens vote, our team contributed to the rulemaking process for reinstating voter rights for felons. We argued that felons should prove their eligibility, not the Secretary of State, to prevent ineligible felons from inflating and complicating voter rolls, and to avoid using taxpayer money for verification costs. Consequently, the rules now require felons convicted of murder or sexual offenses to provide an Executive Order or a Certificate from the Office of Executive Clemency, with documentation dated for each conviction.